Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

We promote collaboration within the college and university by facilitating the development of interdisciplinary courses and projects, such as the college theme. We support and encourage various departments and units to work together, fostering cooperation and synergy among academic areas. This collaborative approach enhances the creation of interdisciplinary learning experiences, allowing students and faculty to explore diverse perspectives and integrate knowledge from multiple fields.  

By promoting collaboration, DPI supports strengthening ties between departments and units who have identified common goals. This collaboration can take various forms, such as joint research projects, shared courses, interdisciplinary seminars, or even establishing interdisciplinary centers or institutes. 

In collaboration with us, departments and units can pool their resources, expertise, and perspectives to develop interdisciplinary courses that provide students with a more comprehensive and holistic education. It encourages the exchange of ideas, the blending of methodologies, and the exploration of connections between disciplines.