Sara Arribas Colmenar

Sara Arribas Colmenar

Graduate Research Assistant (GRIP) for the Digital Liberal Arts Research Initiative
Ph.D. Candidate in Spanish and Visual Studies

Sara Arribas Colmenar is a PhD candidate in Spanish and Visual Studies that currently serves as a Graduate Research Assistant of Digital Liberal Arts at the Office of Digital Pedagogies and Initiatives. Holding a BA in Classical Philology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, she also completed a Master's in Classics and  has  been a Member of the Seminario Complutense de investigación en Historia y Teoría de la danza thanks to her Elemental Degree in Spanish Dance recognized by A.P.D.E (Asociación de Profesores de Danza Española).

Sara is deeply engaged in research on dance and Spanish theater during the XX century, particularly focusing on the concept of the new women in movement and the reception of the public. Her work primarily involves the textual choreographies of Ramón Gómez de la Serna, exploring the intellectual circuits surrounding key figures such as Federico García Lorca, Los Sierra, and Tomás Borrás. Additionally, she is actively developing a digital project on social networks using This project aims to demonstrate the interconnectedness of dance and literature through the exploration of personal relationships among choreographers, musicians, set designers, and literary figures of the time.

Professional portrait of Sara Arribas Colmenar. She's featuring long hair, a white shirt, and a blue and white blazer, with black pants.